Window Film


How Does It Work?

One-way Window Film is coated with a micro thin layer of aluminium which reflects most of the light that reaches it. The Mirror Window Film works where one room is relatively dark and another that is more
brightly lit.

Light Transmission

If you are on the side which is more dimly lit the reflection of the small amount of light reflects back from
the mirror in your direction.

The reflectivity of the mirror can be changed by altering the thickness of the micro thin metal layer.

What Mirror Film does  is to provide enough light transmitted through so that the people on the darker
side can see the image of the scene on the bright side, while the reflection of the light from the objects
on the light side is sufficiently high and transmission of the light from the objects on the dark side is sufficiently small that there is insufficient contrast for the eye to see the items on the dark side

As you can see Mirror Window Film is dependent on a wide variety of factors such as the quality of the
micro thin metal and its thickness. Many inferior products may have the micro thin metal layer applied in such a way that this layer might peel away, or the thickness or quality of the metal coating might be unsuitable for your requirements making your room too dark. This is why we strongly recommend before investing in window film that you should talk to us first so that we can give you the kind of advice which
will ensure that the material used is specifically chosen for your location 

 Exploded diagram of Window Film
